Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
Plato (429-347 BC)
16 April 2007
Ski trip to CORVARA
This year has not been an happy one for those of us that love to ski/snowboard/snowball-fight or whatever on the white mountains! not enough snow...actually in Italy it has been a very weird winter with summer like weather. But even with these bad conditions I could not stop myself from going to the Dolomiti (Corvara) for a brief (too brief actually) ski trip. Well we were quite lucky and found that the day before leaving Rome it had snowed on the Dolomiti. So here are a few pics ...
Myself with my two and a half years old son (his first snow trip)... I can't wait to see him on the skies!!!
A view of the Marmolada from the top of Piz la Villa.
Here is the Sassongher...the couloir you can (barely) see between the two leftmost peaks is one of the most beautiful extreme off-piste you'll find around here (but not the only one).
And finally a small video from the marmolada main slope ...
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