13 May 2009

Map Googling Wichita Falls - 20 years later

Now I am going to take a walk into the small town ( Wichita Falls, TX, USA ) where I lived during my childwood...
Loads of memories here...thanks to google streetview this is possible without crossing the ocean.

Some of the memories :
Rider High School, playing basketball at the University Stadium, cruising on Kemp on Saturday night, riding motorkike with other friends (on and off-road), going to the airport for flying lessons....then Amdreas, Michael, Nick, Lisa, Torsten, Ron some of the friends I would hang out with..

My first home in Texas:

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And this is where I lived 2 years:

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Now here is the Rider High School ...lots of memories here:

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The Midwestern State University with the Basketball Stadium, I would often go there on Sundays to play Basketball ...

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US 287 Hwy..the long road to Dallas...it would take about 3 hours to reach Dallas by car and the road is all like this ...boaring but still fascinating (to me at least)...

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....enough for the memories...

I will post a few pics as soon as I find them.


1 comment:

luisella said...

'mmazza......iper arido però!